Saturday, September 27, 2014

Celebration in Karolina Bugaz

On September 26, the orphanage in Karolina Bugaz celebrated 50 years. There are different ways to look at this celebration. At first, our thought was should we be celebrating that an orphanage is still open and taking in children? However, we are thankful that this orphanage has been open and has been able to be a place for children to rest and to be off the streets. The staff should be appreciated and thanked for their many years of service. They invited us to come and we were happy to go to the children and be part of their celebration. The presented us with a certificate of thanks for our many years of partnership with them.

After the celebration there was time to talk with the children. The kids miss us terribly after camp and we hope to send the team again soon. The number of children has grown by 57 children, since the children from eastern Ukraine have come. We are thankful God opens the door for us to be able to minister to all of these children.

We have had a long standing relationship with the orphanage in Karolina Bugaz. We have served the children over the years by sending a team monthly, including them in annual projects, and hosting them at Camp LELA. We have worked hard to share Christ with the children and to love each one that comes into this place. Let's pray that many children will find homes and that one day this place will be empty. We stand in commitment to our Odessa Region becoming Odessa Without Orphans.