Sunday, August 31, 2014

Balta August Update

Thank God that even in these difficult times in our country that the door still remains open to our ministry to the children in Balta. The children are all enjoying their summer break. They have spent time resting and also enjoying several camps at Camp LELA. However, they are getting a little bored! They were all very happy to see us and to have some activities to do.

We spent time doing a variety of different games and competitions. There were plenty of nice prices and treats, too! We had several complex logic puzzles and riddles. They are very smart and really enjoy doing these.

Please continue to be in prayer for Vitya and Iliya. These two boys continue to be faithful in attending our church and they willing sing songs, pray, and listen to the sermons.We know that their hearts are open and our drawn to Him, which means they are special.  We are grateful God gives us the opportunity to love them and serve them. Please pray for them with urgency. There is so much for them to be entangled in and we don't want for them to be pulled down into bad things.

Vitya and Ilya