National Children's Day is on June 1st in Ukraine. In Ukraine, there are celebrations for children throughout the country as people celebrate the children. We decided that this year we should also be celebrating with the children from the orphanage. We invited around 20 children from 10 different orphanages that we work in throughout the Odessa region. They came to the local shopping center for a great day of fun. It was also an opportunity for us to promote orphan awareness to the local community.
The children brought with them songs and dances to perform for shoppers and also many hand crafted items to sell. The pride they felt shone on their faces as they performed and sold many things. The money was then given to them to return to the orphanage and buy needed supplies.
The children were also treated with several games of bowling, a fantastic lunch, cotton candy, face painting, and at the end a movie at the local theater.
Praise God for this great day of celebrating the lives of these children.