In all of the orphanages, there are some kids who have a parent or relative that will take them home for the holiday season. However, there are also kids that don't have anyone to take them or their parents or relatives won't take them home for this season. Our Zhovten team decided long ago that no matter how many kids that were left in the orphanage for Christmas we were going to go to them and bless them, even if it was only a few. We decided this is the time that kids need to feel God's love and our love the most.
We started the day by setting up a Christian film for the kids to watch, while the team got busy to prepare for the big event. We went all out decorating the gym for Christmas. We dressed up in all the Biblical characters from the Christmas story, Mary, Joseph, Shepherds, and Angels.
The children were divided into 3 teams and met up with each of the characters. The had to complete a quest before moving on and in this they earned points. At the end, they entered into the dining room for a tasty meal with sandwiches, sweets, fruit, and drinks. This was not the end!
We then had a great time of singing Christmas songs and reciting poems. All participants received a small prize.
Then came the gifts! We took special time putting together these large gifts for children with no place to go for the holiday(double the amount that is usually given in our gifts)! They also received chocolates and oranges. We wanted them to have something special.
The grand finale! The points were totaled from the quest and the winning team won the right to the use of three flashlights and we headed outdoors. We sent Chinese lanterns into the dark Christmas night and sent with them our prayers to the Lord. It was quite cold, but the children watched the lanterns for a long time as they slowly floated higher and higher.
Our team of 25 volunteers was greatly blessed by this time with these special children. Each person has a story in their heart and thanks God for the opportunity to share His love with His children.