The little drill sergeant, Tania, knows exactly how it should be! When the kids were dividing into small groups and heading to their classrooms, she told me, "You are with us! Let's go!" I just smiled and said, "Yes, I am with you." I went to another classroom briefly to hand out some materials and then headed to the 4th grade class. Tania comes rushing out of the room, "You are with us! Where have you been? Let's go! Let's go! Give me your purse and get in the room!" She grabbed my purse and marched me into the 4th grade class. I think she has the routine down and it feels good to know that she feels connected to the leaders in our group.
Tania |
The kids had a great day as we shared the Christmas story, played games, made crafts, and played with legos and playdough.
We are looking forward to our next trip in January.