Today the team had their first meeting of the school year in the Kilia orphanage. They started using a new lesson series from the program, "The Gospel for Children" that helps to unfold Biblical truth to the children on their level. Today we were talking about "Heaven", the purpose of this lesson was to teach children that life in heaven (eternal life) is a free gift. And if we ask God to forgive our sins - then He gives us this gift of eternal life and allows us to be with Him in heaven. They helped the children learn the verse from the Bible that says: " The payment for sin is death, but the gift that God freely gives is everlasting life found in Christ Jesus our Lord".(Rom 6:23). Also, they enjoyed singing camp songs and playing games. Please pray for the team and for the children. We really long to see the sprouts of the seeds of truth that has been sown in their hearts.