We would like to share the news about the ministry in the Balta orphanage. In August, we visited the children, but some were still on vacations in government camps or on hosting trips in the States. With great joy we spent time with children from the 5th grade. They just have finished elementary school and many new things are awaiting them as a new school year will begin soon.
The theme of the meeting was, God made you special. We know that each child is beautiful in their own way. And we have been telling kids that God has made each one of them beautiful and unique.
We had our meeting in the classroom we gave them a few riddles and taught them some interesting tricks. The time was full of joy and laughter. Children were very open. We were also very impressed with the kindness the children have been showed to us as well as to each other. It is quite unusual for them and we contribute some of this new behavior to the time that they had just spent with us at Camp LELA.
At the end we shared a Bible story from the program Poster Evangelism. Each story ends with the story about Jesus and about how much God loves them.
After the story, we gave some school supplies to the children. We enjoyed this day with kids they are waiting for us to come next time.
We want to thank everyone, who prays for us and supports us in this ministry.
May God bless you!