Thursday, May 28, 2015

Zhovten 5-24

On May 24th, volunteers from Yuzhniy visited the children in the Zhovten orphanage.  Our meeting was uplifting and emotional.  During our event, we had a Bible lesson about addictions and the main verse was 2 Peter 2:19,  “People are slaves to whatever has mastered them.” Children listened with great attention and were really involved in the discussions.

Then the sport leaders surprised the  kids with new and interesting competitions. All of the teams received gifts: soccer ball, volleyball balls, juice, and sweets.  

At the end of the day, there was a fair. Children received coupons to pay for the prizes. The top sales were for shampoo, toothpaste, and pens.

It was a long goodbye as the kids hate to see us go and we hate to leave. Praise God for everything!

Please pray for our team and the children in the Zhovten orphanage.