Wednesday, December 31, 2014

Sidewalk Sunday School December Update

The month of December was a great month for Sidewalk Sunday School. Last month we shared that brother Nicholas, who had graciously opened his apartment to us and then became a Christian, had passed away. This month, Praise God with us, his wife has generously opened the apartment to us because she knew this is what he would want.
The children were able to be inside in warmth and comfort while playing many fun games, making beautiful crafts, and spending time listening to the Bible lessons.
As you can see in the photos, there are no limits for this program. Some children are very little and some are teenagers. Some are from wealthy families and others are from low income families. We teach them unity and love and show them examples of true friendship. We want to sew into their hearts the seeds of the Gospel and help them to see there is something better than the world that they see around them every day. There is life with Him and this is the seed that is planted and we are working hard to help them grown in their knowledge and faith.
Thank you to all that support this program, especially for your prayers. Praise God for everything.