Monday, February 24, 2014
Pishana Orphanage February 22nd
It was about a year ago that this team really started to form. People had gone off and on for quite some time, but a decision to consistently go with a team was made last year in January. At first, the leaders struggled to fill the van with 7 people, but the team grew and grew. Many people wanted to serve the Lord and love these kids. Now the leaders of the team have no problem filling an 18 person rented van. In fact, in February they decided to take two vans and allow more than 20 people to go to visit the children.
We had a great time being with the kids. We started the day with a Bible story about Jesus's life and our team did a small skit. We played some relay games and sang songs. In the small groups, we celebrated Valentine's Day (a little late, but it was still February!) The kids had fun making Valentines for each other and eating heart shaped sugar cookies :o) During the play time, the kids built towers with paper cups, constructing things with legos and playdoh, colored, made necklaces, played with cars, and/or played with toy animals. The new rug for cars was a big hit!
The team and the kids are looking forward to our next time together at the end of March.